
The goal of this blog is to share some oddball quirky thoughts; which hopefully in turn will help me connect with you, the reader! This blog will be comprised mostly of childhood memories, random thoughts and silly questions.

I’m an artist, writer, reader, wanna-be boxer, hard-working nerd, music enthusiast, random dancer and singer…in no particular order.

52 thoughts on “About

  1. I like your blog. I had notes just like that from school. In addition to the real notes, there were also notes in my school diary – mostly because my best friend was bored in class. If I was bored, I’d write in her diary. We also wrote emails. I had the foresight to bind them in a book at graduation. It’s amazing the things you can come up with when your avenues for entertainment are limited and you can’t communicate with your friends until lunch hour.

    I feel sad for kids today all the time. They don’t know what they’re missing!

    • Thank you Kate! That is such an awesome thing to share your diary with your best friend! My best friend wouldn’t share her diary with ANYONE. One day at her house I discovered (she left her diary open…oops) that she actually “loved” a boy she said she hadn’t for such a long time! What a great way to celebrate your time with your friend by putting all your thoughts and words together in a book! LOVE IT! (Unfortunately for us E-mail was a new thing in our day!)

      I feel sad for kids too, but there is still hope and they are still passing notes occasionally! Not all hope is lost! 🙂 THANK YOU!

  2. Hola! I’m new in wordpress, just saw your post in “freshly pressed” (note from a former self) and just wanted to say that it’s very cute and sweet, I’m definitely agreed with veronica, your blog ROCKS!! ❤ Keep up the good work! : )

  3. Hola! I’m new in wordpress, just saw your post in “freshly pressed” (note from a former self) and just wanted to say that it’s very cute and sweet, I’m definitely agreed with veronica, your blog ROCKS!! ❤ Keep up the good work! : )

  4. hi there, came across your blog today via freshly pressed and i love it! your writing style is fun and creates a sense of intrigue… yes, i do miss passing notes. all with the bonus of discussing topics i (and many others) can actually relate to. please keep doing what you’re doing, it’s ace!


    • Hi Miss Feebs! (Is your name possibly derived from your favorite “Friends” character?) Thank you for stumbling across Diary of a Quirky Girl, thank you so VERY much for your compliments and THANK YOU for calling the blog “Ace”! I’ve always loved that term! Hopefully I’ll be able to entertain you with more intrigue, fun and laughter. 😉 Thank you for taking time out to read and comment, will be stopping by your blog soon!

    • Thank you SO much! You know, I had an Art professor in college who was helping me come up with what to do for my Senior Show (which is like finals for Art students). I was struggling and had several ideas, and her advice was (paraphrasing here) “Do what is the closest to you, if you do this you will find you relate to people more.” I’ve tried to carry this way of thinking over into my writing as well.

      Pretension has never worked for me, I’ve never been a good liar and in my years have found that honesty and being true to yourself always works; in any creative form and in life. I would hate to maybe bump into a fellow blogger/writer/reader and disappoint them by having been a fraud this whole time. 🙂

      Thank you so much for your kind words, you may have just inspired another blog here! See, you are oober inspiring too!!! Ha ha ha! Thank you for “the love”! Will be stopping by your blog soon! 🙂

      • That’s awesome! I’m preparing a series that I believe you will enjoy 🙂 ….. Stay tuned

    • The Guat! IT IS SO GOOD TO SEE YOU ON HERE! I was following you on my other blog that I’ve kind of let go dormant! Thank you SO MUCH! YAAAAY!!! Still love going by your blog and visiting! You are an inspiration to women everywhere! 🙂

      • Glad to see that you enjoy stopping by and for the awesome comment : ) I can’t believe I wasn’t stalking you after all those great humor posts I read. Definitely well-deserved Freshly Pressed honors. Good layout on your new blog, too. What was the name of your other blog?

      • Thank you! The layout is through WordPress and called “Esquire”. Thank you SOOOOO much for the compliments and I really look forward to commenting on yours soon too!!! (The name of the other blog was Creatively Put.)

  5. Hello. I stumbled on your blog when I was browsing for new blogs to read and finding myself reading quite a lot of your previous posts. A very nice blog indeed.
    Cheers from Indonesia!

  6. Pingback: One Lovely Blog Award | Sylver Blaque

  7. Genial tu blog, espontáneo y de precioso diseño. Trabajo con jóvenes de los años 80 en Chile, que escriben sus diarios de vida, vidas que fueron muy especiales por vivir en una muy larga y cruel dictadura.uN SALUDO DESDE cHILE.

    • Muchas gracias! Tendré que comprobar tu blog!!!! ¿Qué trabajo inspirador! Muchas Gracias por tomarse el tiempo de su apretada agenda para pasar por mi blog! Es tan maravilloso que usted aquí! 🙂

      Hopefully you will forgive me as I had to type in what I wanted to say into a translator! Much love from Missouri 🙂

  8. Thanks for following the Immortal Jukebox. I hope you will find lots of entertainment with the familiar and the unexpected. I look forward to exploration here. Regards Thom.

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